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Alchemica: A Feminine Alchemist's Circle

Biweekly from September 11 - November 20.

10am - 12:30pm PDT (your time zone here)

Do you have a longing to serve our living planet? Do you want to face today’s immense challenges with resilience and creativity? You are invited to join a circle of women who blossom into a new kind of leadership rooted feminine wisdom.

The alchemy will be ignited by two gifted healers and experienced leaders: Dr. Stephanie Mines and Dr. Spring Cheng. Spring and Stephanie are grounded in their practices of ancient healing arts that originated in East Asia. Both are mature scientists who synthesize their lineage teachings with biology and neuroscience. Both have used their methodologies to alchemize their own woundings. Together Stephanie and Spring have devoted five decades of their lives to empowering humanity to thrive.

Stephanie and Spring pioneer and exemplify a new paradigm of leadership, Groundswell leadership. It is rooted in four major principles:

  1. Nurture somatic wisdom;

  2. Trust collaboration;

  3. Relinquish control and improvise with the emergence; and

  4. Respect the vulnerable part within ourselves.

Alchemica is a feminine alchemist’s circle. Along with the facilitation that Spring and Stephanie provide, Alchemica will also be held by the women from the first cohort of Groundswell Leadership. Studying with Stephanie and Spring, this cohort has matured into a collective container that is gentle, loving and charged with magical qualities.

Our experience in our group shows us that individual healing can be potentiated by the witnessing of the group, and collective healing will emerge as one individual steps forward and offers her own experience as a seed crystal.

Each session in this series will feature a specific topic. Below is a list of potential topics that emerged out of the investigation done by the first Groundswell cohort. One individual will be randomly drawn from a pool of volunteers for a demonstration session. This volunteer will present a case of her own lived experience related to the topic. Either Stephanie or Spring will use their methodology to work with the case presenter. The process will be witnessed and held by the entire circle.

Potential Topics:

 How to alchemize personal dynamics with those with whom we disagree or are in

conflict with?

 How to alchemize oppressed or wounded sexual energy in the service of leadership?

 Composting for the Earth Self: loving the part of ourselves that we reject.

 Intergenerational Patterns That Restrict Leadership and How to Alchemize Them.

 How to Identify and Act Upon Internal, Somatic Guidance for Leadership.

 Conflict Resolution Regarding Groups, Systems, Perpetrators, Governments, Religions and Women’s Empowerment: Forgiving the Unforgiveable