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Crisis Medicine: Inner Climate Upgrades to Expand the Capacity of Your Nervous System

11am-1pm PDT

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We are evolving regenerative systems of limitless potential. Neuroscientist Stephanie Mines celebrates the anniversary of her vision Climate Change & Consciousness by sharing with you potent energy medicine self-care practices that recalibrate your nervous system instantly. These applications are drawn from a huge medicine bag called The Art of Compassion and Longevity.

This is a gift of great worth.Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive energy medicine answers to their specific challenges. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the climate changing world we inhabit ask us to meet unprecedented times by becoming unprecedented beings. Learn the formulas that open the medicine cabinet within you. Subtle and simple codes of resilience transform you into who you are meant to be. Write your personal New Story with your own hands.

This will be an interactive time for individual and collective experiential expansion. Everything you learn will be immediately transferable to your family and beyond. This is also an introduction to a paradigm shift in what medicine is and who administers it. Become the change you want to see in the world on the spot; no waiting in line.

Stephanie will be joined by Jennifer Comeau, CCC participant, songwriter, and Tree Sister who will add the medicine of her songs to our healing in community. While music taps into different areas of the brain beyond that of language, what is miraculous is the way in which music can deeply transform us to a new awareness -- of gratitude, connection, and love.

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We offer this event in the spirit of generosity and trust the generosity of your donation of any amount.