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Earth Seder in a Time of Pandemic and Climate Change (1st Night)

This Pesach (Passover) Seder is for everywhere, wherever you are, Jewish or not Jewish, whether you've been hosting your own Pesach Seder for years, or were not even thinking of going to one if it wasn't for the pandemic and lockdown. Our ritual journey will focus on Pesach's lessons about environmental disruption, in the context of the current epidemic, and environmental/climate disruption more broadly. It serves, in part, as a commemoration of a Seder at Findhorn Foundation's Climate Change and Consciousness gathering one year ago. If this theme is of interest to you, you are welcome whether you were there one year ago or not. We will wrestle and dance together, with ancient wisdom and folly, exploring Passover's lessons for its time and for ours, the power of passing down ancient symbols for suffering and joy and how to integrate new paradigms amidst disruption. As the pandemic continues to unfold, join us in creating virtual Seder with memories that will last us all a life-time.

You will need:

1) A Passover Haggadah. We will be using large parts of Rabbi Ellen Bernstein's new Haggadah "The Promise of the Earth"

2) To prepare your own Seder Meal and Ritual Foods. Let me know if you need help.


6:00p.m. Gathering and Orienting to the Zoom meeting platform

6:15 - 7:45 p.m. Passover Seder

7:45p.m. - 8:15p.m. Meal Break

8:15p.m. Coming Back for Closing Song and Reflection

50% of proceeds will be donated in a split between a local and an indigenous peoples' food bank providing support during the epidemic.

You can learn more about Rabbi Moshe Givental at his website -