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Six Conversations to Weave the CCC Community, Part 1

12p -3pm Pacific time

You are invited to help weave the CCC community via two calls in March, during which we will connect with one another through six powerful conversations.  You are welcome to join one or both calls.   There is also an option for having the conversations in self-organized small groups.

This process--developed by Peter Block and articulated in his 2008 book Community: The Structure of Belonging-- uses personal, transformationally oriented questions to surface the possibilities, stories, gifts, concerns, commitments, and invitations that are needed for groups to gather for the purpose of creating “a future distinct from the past.”  For more info, please see these four short videos in which Block describes the "proposition, possibility, promise, and point" of the methodology.  Your host, Ben Roberts, has been facilitating the Six Conversations for eleven years in many different community contexts, and is honored to offer this gift to the CCC community.

Please come on time and commit to staying for at least the first two hours of the three hour call.  You are also asked to show up with curiosity and an open mind, and to honor our time together as an "advice-free zone" where no one tries to be "helpful" or fix anyone else's problems by telling them what they think they should do, what they did when they were faced with similar circumstances, etc.  For more about the reasoning behind this request, see this excerpt from the book Community.

If the times offered do not work for you to participate, or to complete the full cycle of six, a process by which you can self-organize into small groups to have one or more of the conversations is also being offered.  Please complete this form to indicate your interest in this option.

These conversations are being facilitated by Ben Roberts on a gift economy basis.  Please consider making a financial contribution to him in recognition of the value being offered and the many hours of work that are going into its design and hosting.  

RSVP and Access the Zoom link on CCC’s Online Community Space