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Embodied Activism in Action: Story Telling with Aunty Kali and Joy (Free)

April 25

12pm - 2pm PT

(April 26 5am - 7am AEST)

Aunty Kali and Joy will share their personal journeys of stepping out of the old story into
the new, how they become empowered to take the steps needed to leave trauma and
dysfunction and where they are now. We’ll invite participants to share their own inspiring
stories, dreams and gifts in a sacred circle where emotion is allowed and even welcomed.

A beach is created by tiny pieces of sand gathering together, we ARE the beach in

formation and anything is possible!

We will use the principles of the Circle Way and Deep Listening thus creating a sacred
space for truth telling and deep sharing. Depending on participant numbers, after sharing
briefly of our own personal stories Aunty and I will open the circle for everyone to share,
either in breakout rooms if numbers are high, otherwise stay together.

RSVP & Access the Zoom Link through Now What?!