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Storytelling, Music & Community Conversation

Storytelling, Music, & Community Conversation

Earth Songs of the East and West: When War Strikes, We Sing

A FREE program from Climate Change & Consciousness

Presented by Spring Cheng & Joe Shirley, co-founders of Resonance Path Institute

Guest Musicians: Stephen Podry and Helen Lowe

Thursday March 31st, 2022

11AM-1PM PST (Time Converter Here)

Register Here

Come join us in this ceremony to honor the most heroic effort of our time: engaging in peaceful and creative process as a response to violence and conflict. This event is FREE and open to the public!

At a time when our hearts are riddled with painful cries of war, violence and conflict, what happens if we collectively respond with a deeper tenderness and vulnerability? What does it take to trust that the smallest offerings we make from the deepest corners of our heart can be heard by the world?

Come join us for an event of storytelling, music and community gathering. This event features Spring Cheng, co-founder of Resonance Path Institute, a woman leader in the CCC community who has dedicated her life to building bridges of creativity, collaboration and mutual learning between China and the west. 

Spring was born in China and immigrated to the US as a graduate student. She has been a biomedical scientist, a student of Taoism, and an acupuncturist. By synthesizing the wisdom of the Tao and holistic medicine with the western scientific mind, Spring created Resonance Code, a system that facilitates human consciousness to evolve toward wholeness. Spring applies this knowledge in coaching and development of holistic leadership, helping people navigate uncertainty and find guidance from within. 

In this event, Spring and her ensemble will present Earth Songs, music created with sacred texts from both east and west as Spring tells stories of her journey guided by her communion with Mother Earth. The audience will participate in conversations and a co-creative process that opens us all as vessels to transmit the Earth Song, celebrating the sacred exchange between feminine and masculine, intuition and logic, Earth and Heaven. 

Come JOIN US for an event of storytelling, music, and community gathering!