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Climate and Covid: Live Q&A with Charles Eisenstein

11am-1pm PDT

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Join us for this precious opportunity for Q + A with Charles, based on his recent essay The Coronation. In it, he writes, “Covid-19 is like a rehab intervention that breaks the addictive hold of normality. To interrupt a habit is to make it visible; it is to turn it from a compulsion to a choice. When the crisis subsides, we might have occasion to ask whether we want to return to normal, or whether there might be something we’ve seen during this break in the routines that we want to bring into the future…If we can change so radically for Covid-19, we can do it for these other conditions too. Let us ask why we are able to unify our collective will to stem this virus, but not to address other grave threats to humanity. Why, until now, has society been so frozen in its existing trajectory? ” We’ll be taking questions live throughout the Q + A.

Charles Eisenstein is an inspiring, integrative, and soul-touching thought-leader, writer, and speaker. His work and love focuses on the world-creating powers of story-telling, paradigm shifts, sustainability and regeneration, the economics of gift and degrowth, and transformation. Some of his books include The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, and most recently, Climate: A New Story.

You can learn more about his transformative work at:

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