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Tree of Life Movement Medicine Ceremony

11am-1:30pm PDT

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For the past three decades, Ya’Acov has been studying and practicing shamanism around the world. He and his wife Susannah have, as they were asked to do, integrated what they have learned and created a contemporary, embodied shamanic practice, that is at the same time deeply inspiring and utterly down-to-earth and practical.

To celebrate Earth Day and the launch of his new book Shaman, an epic invocation of the Inner Shaman within us all, Ya’Acov will talk to us about the relevance of shamanism to our current situation in pandemic times. He will help you to feel for yourself how the Inner Shaman is a vital archetype for our human evolution. It isn’t an archetype available to some special few. It is a powerful force, a birthright within us all, that helps us to remember ourselves directly as a blend of nature and spirit, physical matter and potent imagination.

To change our course, we need a new dream to head towards. In order to call in this new vision that is both personal and collective, that includes our personal wellbeing as part of the wellbeing of the web of life, we need to know where we are. Working with the Tree of Life, a universal shamanic symbol, Ya’Acov will expertly guide you on an embodied shamanic journey through the roots, trunk and branches (the three worlds) of the Tree of Life. You can expect to be inspired, nourished, strengthened and resourced by this journey. Don’t miss this chance to work and learn LIVE with one of the world’s foremost shamanic teachers.

Ya’Acov has been studying and practicing shamanism all his life. When he was 21, he was hit by lightning and through this, began a three-decade-long journey of initiation. He has been recognised as a practicing shaman by Elder Shamans from the Sami (European tradition), and Achuar and Sápara peoples of the Amazon. Together with his wife Susannah, he is the Co-Creator of Movement Medicine, a contemporary and dynamic shamanic practice designed to support people from all walks of life to be who they are and give what they’ve got. Ya’Acov’s work come straight from the heart. He inspires people, often with great humour, to remember who they are. 

He is the best-selling author of Jaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart (Hay House 2017), the creator of Shaman’s Song - Shamanic Journeys to Empower, Inspire and Re-Connect (Hay House 2018), and the Co-Author of Movement Medicine - How to Dance, Awaken and Live your Dreams, (Hay House 2009). His new book, Shaman – Invoking Power, Purpose and Presence at the Core of Who YOU Are was recently published, also by Hay House.

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