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Community Cauldron: Dream Cafe

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Join CCC core team members Kristopher Drummond and Jennifer Comeau for our ongoing Wild Earth Dream Cafe. This is a casual event that brings together folks from around the world to share dreams, talk about their context, and practice dreamwork together. We believe that dreams are an ecological function of the dreaming earth and as such, provide us with signals from the deep self, perhaps even Gaia herself, and offer insights about our gifts and work at this time of transformation.

Please come with a dream to share or a curiosity for listening and working with the dreams of others.

The Zoom link for this Dream Cafe, and all future Dream Cafe events is:

Meeting ID: 896 1507 9525
Passcode: 901555

And as ever, CCC relies on your contributions. Please consider donating if our work has touched you and you believe in its force in the world.

Also, see below the video by Robert Bosnak as a primer for the practice of Embodied Imagination.