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Groundswell Women's Leadership Series

5 Friday sessions from 10:30am-12:30pm PDT Your Time Zone Here

In this program, Spring Cheng and Stephanie Mines, leaders with strong voices making potent contributions to thought, health, human evolution and well-being, share their combined insight, experience and compassionate guidance. Their focus is on maximizing every participant’s potential to be the leader they are born to be. Spring and Stephanie synthesize ancient healing arts with the neuroscience of leadership. Their vision is to inspire a collective collaboratively moving toward wholeness, balancing feminine and masculine energies.

Sequential webinar sessions with Spring and Stephanie are amplified by regular small group meetings where relationships and resources are deepened. Participants will meet on Fridays for five weekly meetings from June 26th until July 24th with Stephanie and Spring. Small group meetings will be determined at the start of the course.

Our purpose is to embody our original brilliance and in concert with our Living Earth serve our communities and families, resiliently facing today’s immense challenges.

Meet your guides…

Dr. Spring Cheng and Dr. Stephanie Mines met as a result of Climate Change & Consciousness . They recognized their kinship immediately. Spring and Stephanie have invested their lives in developing embodied inner climate transformation that maximizes human potential. They share a life-affirming vision of humanity despite the dire predictions and unprecedented nature of our time. The Groundswell Women’s Leadership Series is an organic expression of what Spring and Stephanie know is necessary now for the future of humanity. It is also the manifestation of their deep love for our Living Earth.

Dr. Mines is the founder of the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, Climate Change & Consciousness and the author of the soon to be re-issued We Are All in Shock.

Dr. Cheng is a leadership coach. She is the founder of the Resonance Path Institute and co-author of The Resonance Code: Empower Leaders to Evolve Toward Wholeness