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CCC Open Mic: "Breakdown & Breakthrough"

Come join the CCC Community for our first open mic event, “Breakdown & Breakthrough,” a part of the newly-emerging CCC Community Cauldron, which is an experiment with creativity, collectivity, play, and emergence in these times of transformation and uncertainty.

At this, our first open mic, we’re holding questions and inviting responses to what breakdowns or breakthroughs are you experiencing now? What might the earth say, if we could but listen, about humanity’s place in the Great Turning? What questions, dreams, passions are waiting for you beyond the edges of your comfort zone? What wild hopes and tender submissions are living in your heart?

We, all of us, human and otherwise, need your truth, your creativity, your voice.

Any creative medium is welcome, from poetry to song to comedy to radical experimentation. Please plan for no longer than six minutes per slot unless our numbers are low. Click below to register, and please include whether you’re planning to share a piece (include the name and medium) or whether you want to watch.

Depending on space, last minute slots will be available.