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Mini_Event: Liberate Your Voice for Our Living Earth

Perhaps because we have Inauguration on our minds and in our cells. Perhaps because we see this network growing into a chorus of voices on behalf of our living earth. We've decided to hold a mini-event on Monday January 25th at Noon PST for ~ 20-30 minutes max. 

During this brief moment in time, we'll be enriched with somatic, musical, and audio-visual delights, including:

-- Dr. Stephanie Mines, who will lead us in a somatic attunement to unblock and unleash our throat chakras

-- Jennifer Comeau, who will share an original song lyric that has bubbled up in this New Year, Come as One 

-- We will show the World Wide Premier of our new video, "Be a Voice for Our Living Earth," featuring so many of you from this network. 

-- We'll leave you with an invitation: Capture yourself on video saying, "I am a voice for our living earth," and send it to us!

Come join us in this event that is mini in time and maxi in richness!  

Registration on our community Mighty Networks platform gives you instant access to the Zoom link (and all of the other goodies available to our international community of activists, visionaries, and healers)